This post is part of a blog circle. I am blessed enough to be a part of a group with amazing photographers (who are all amazing women) who continually knock my socks off with their breathtaking work and fantastic conversation that keeps my creativity alive. (case and point: this post and whole blog circle thing!) I hope you will click through our loop and see the fantastic posts by my friends as well!
Our life is here.
It's mid afternoon and my little girl is looking for an afternoon snack. She pulled an empty graham cracker box from the recycle bin.
"Mama, all done!" She was requesting more.
I pulled a new box from the pantry, opened it up, and put it on the table. I pulled a handful of crackers out for her. While she was snacking I decided this would be a great time to change her brother's diaper. Mid change, I heard some rusting coming from the kitchen. My call out asking what she was up to went unanswered.
Anyone parent who's been through the toddler stage could read through that and see my mistake. Well, mistake if I was interested in the rest of that box or a (semi) clean kitchen.
My entrance back into the kitchen was greeted with grinning toddler very pleased with herself. I had also just realized that new box of graham crackers was now empty. She had helped herself to a few more. The entire box more. Toddler independence. I love it. Had to give her credit for helping herself, although that was a few too many crackers. She was even kind enough to try to share with her brother.
This is our home. It's messy. And full of crumbs. And fantastic. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Our life is here.
Check out my friend Jana's post on her take of 'Our life is here' over at
Bo and the Bean! I promise it'll be worth your click and you'll want to click a few more to see the whole circle! It's worth your time!