It was foggy and damp today, perfect for Halloween. Although I did get a bunch of pictures of my kids in costumes, I wanted to share these that I managed to get out and take. A little something different, but fitting for Halloween.
Er, wait...what? Did you read the date? Yup, we have snow. Chances are good we'll loose it before it really sticks, but for now, it's here. I guess you could call it beautiful. Maybe 'beautiful' would be more fitting for December, perhaps we'll stick We'll stash the term beautiful away until at least mid-November.
We were given a rose last weekend in church, and although I've looked at
it every day with intent to take pictures, it wasn't until today that I
had the chance to grab my camera. Sometimes I feel like the rose can
be a bit cliche, but honestly, they are just beautiful.
I wish I could write that I was dillagent at backing up my photos to multiple locations every evening. It'd be a total lie. While it is true I do get my stuff backed up to at least one location every week or so, I tend to go through a massive photo purge when I get around to it. Perhaps the only perk I can find in this method is coming across highlights from a few months ago. (alright, I'm trying to turn lemons into lemonade here, I confess) I thought I'd share a little throw back to July.
When the weather cooperates, the leaves are starting to fall, and your looking for some fun- what could be better than jumping in the leaves? Throwing them around, of course!
Find a drip of water and this girl is in it. It rained the last few days, which lead to some run off from the roof of the garage. One glance out the window found her not just playing in the water, but standing under it. Clearly the rain boots and coat kept her very dry. Her response: "wahger mama, wahger". Water mama, water!
We've had rain the past few days and I had the chance to get out with my camera and capture the fall leaves and the fog. It was beautiful. I love the way the colors look against the wet trees and the canopy of color in our hardwood forest back yard.
Fall time is, hands down, my favorite time of the year. I love the temperatures. I love the colors. I love pulling out an extra blanket. A few shots from a quick walk down the road. Another day or two and we'll be at peak color...